Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

Get the facts on baking a potato—and then some!
by Leon A. Frechette - continued from Page 2


Purchase Spud Spikes potato nails
Spud Spikes potato nails

Spud Spikes with potatoes!

Purchase Spud Spikes potato nails
Spud Spikes potato nails, are food-grade stainless steel nails inserted into potatoes before baking will transfer your oven's heat to the center thus allowing the potatoes to cook outward. This decreases overall baking tim and saves you money. No kitchen should be without them—order your set of four today!

Order Spud Spikes Potato Nails for the overn or barbeque!

Order Spud Spikes Potato Nails today!

Stainless Steel:

Michigan State University Extension points out that stainless steel is an alternative to aluminum pots and pans. Stainless steel cookware and bakeware is exceptionally durable. Its attractive finish won't corrode or tarnish permanently, and its hard, tough, nonporous surface is resistant to wear. As stainless steel does not conduct heat evenly, most stainless steel cookware is made with copper or aluminum bottoms. Although there are no known health hazards from leaching of the metal, undissolved salt will pit steel surfaces.

Cooking gadgets:

I have tried just about every potato-baking accessory or cooking gadget to bake potatoes faster, and this is what I've learned from the two most commonly found on the market:

1) Skewers don't work well because they're too long and not thick enough. While some are made of stainless steel, which is a plus, they were not designed for baking potatoes. Instead, they were designed to hold small pieces of meat and vegetables together for simultaneous grilling.

2) Aluminum potato nails are simply not long enough (only 4 1/2") for the average-sized potato. As discussed earlier, aluminum is a great heat conductor but may expose the user to aluminum, which can leach into food, an exposure that has raised some health concerns over the years. Aluminum baking nails may also leave unattractive and unappetizing dark marks in the potato's flesh. They also don't have the structural strength compared to food-grade stainless steel Spud Spikes.

Spud Spikes Potato Nails

Spud Spikes® are a completely different breed of potato nails. They differ from other potato nails because they are made from food-grade stainless steel, which both conducts heat into the potato and provides sufficient structural strength to pierce the potato. At 6" long, they are a full 1 1/2 inches longer than most potato nails. For a potato nail to be effective, the point of the nail needs to completely penetrate through the potato so an equal length of nail extends on both ends of the potato as you can see in the photo below. If the potato is longer than a Spud Spike, insert a second Spud Spike from the other end of the potato.

Spud Spikes in a potato with Spud Spikes Potato Seasoning

Spud Spikes potato nails will cut baking time up to 50 percent depending on the potato's type and size and how many potatoes are being baked at the same time. Spud Spikes transfer oven or BBQ heat to the center of the potato, allowing it to cook from the inside out, thus decreasing overall baking time and saving money.

Along with Spud Spikes, consider adding a grilling stone, flat on one wide with ribs on the other or a raised vented pizza pan (holes in the pan), to your collection of potato-baking accessories. The ribs help to evenly distribute heat and air and, most importantly, help to prevent formation of a hard spot, normally found on potatoes that rest on a sheet pan while baking. It will also prevent burning when baking in a BBQ which would occur if the potatoes are in more direct contact with the flame. A potato should be turned even if it sits on an open rack or a sheet pan with a broiler rack in an oven or BBQ to help prevent grill marks on the potato where it touches the oven rack. I make no exceptions here—potatoes will also need to be turned if they are baking on a grilling stone with ribs or on a raised pizza pan. A grilling stone is great in both the oven and on the BBQ, especially when steam-baking potatoes or when the potato skins have been rubbed with real butter or olive oil.

Finally, and mainly because I like steam-baked potatoes, consider using a clay baker. This will allow you to use Spud Spikes and include other vegetables at the same time. A clay baker eliminates the need to wrap potatoes and allows you to bake other varieties. A clay baker can be used in both the oven and on the BBQ. As with the other baking methods, be sure to turn the potato while it bakes in the clay baker.

Using a microwave:

When it comes to baking a potato in the oven or on the BBQ, it seems that we get impatient, perhaps because we all live on the fast track. Some impatient souls turn to the microwave to cook potatoes faster. I've been told some individuals actually prefer a microwaved potato—but I'm not sure why! In my opinion, putting a potato in the microwave is the worst thing you can do to it. Some restaurants cook their potatoes in an oven until they are almost done and then finish them up in the microwave; others use the microwave a bit and then finish them up in the oven; while still others just use the microwave. How many of you have been served a baked potato at a restaurant with an undercooked or dried-out center? There's simply no comparison between a traditional baked and/or steam-baked potato and a microwaved potato—an oven- or BBQ-baked potato wins hands down!

I have used the microwave to warm up a day-old oven-baked potato, but I prefer to reheat a previously oven-baked potato on the BBQ because I find the BBQ heats faster than the oven and helps to retain the potato's original flavor. The microwave can restore the original flavor of a baked potato if you cut the potato in half and place them in a waxed paper bags for one plus minute depending on the size of the potato.

Get the facts on baking a potato—and then some! continues on Page 4.

Purchase Spud Spikes potato nails Spud Spikes® potato nails are food-grade 100% stainless steel nails. When inserted into potatoes before baking, they help transfer oven heat to the potatoes' centers, allowing them to cook outward. This decreases overall baking time and saves you money. No kitchen should be without them—order your set of eight today!


This goes without saying, but I will say it anyway: protect your fingers, hands, and arms when working in and around an oven or BBQ, especially when removing a hot potato and/or hot Spud Spikes® potato nails. Use oven mitts or kitchen tongs when handling hot potatoes and/or hot Spud Spikes. Spud Spikes are sharp-pointed food utensils that requires care when handling, inserting, or if accidentally dropped. Never handle by the point, never have your hand in front of the point when inserting, and never attempt to catch the spike if it should fall. Spud Spikes are not designed for microwave use.


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Related Search Terms: Spud Spikes, Baking Potatoes, type of baked patatoes, stainless steel potato nails, steam baked potatoes, Page 3

Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

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