Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

Linking Partners - Page 1


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Please feel free to visit these Linking Partner sites. We've listed them here because we believe you might find them helpful. Keep checking back as these pages will be updated regularly. If you know of an interesting site that's not linked here, please bring it to our attention; or if you are a reliable compatible quality site and would like to become a linking partner, email us. Please provide your contact information as well as your site's URL address.

 Cabinet Installation Tool  Construction Books


The versatile E-Z SPREAD N' LIFT family of tools will spread and reposition out-of-alignment door frames, support kitchen wall cabinets, and provide support for many other things during installation. Its uses are virtually unlimited!


Online construction bookstore with 150 titles including 56 estimating databases for free trial download. Titles cover new construction, remodeling, and more. Includes Build Smarter with Alternative Materials by Leon A. Frechette. To order book, click here!

 Educational Materials  Pressure-treated Wood


This comprehensive educational site covers paint technology, paint problems/solutions and "prep, prime and paint" recommendations for many interior and exterior surfaces. Also available are resources for growing a business—Opportunity Sheets, Painting Practices, and more. The PQI Store has popular Problem Solver fandecks and Contractor Training materials.


Useful information on preserved wood for decks, fences, landscaping, and other projects. Includes building plans, construction tips, maintenance suggestions, use & handling precautions, environmental benefits. Site hosted by licensor of the popular Wolmanized® brand of pressure-treated wood.

 Cabinetry  Universal Design Living Laboratory


Pole-Wrap™ is constructed of closely set wood strips held together by a flexible backing. This product is great for wrapping basement support posts and lally columns, for example. Available in 8-foot lengths to fit most standard support posts. Height and width may be trimmed to fit individual needs.


This national demonstration home is being built in Columbus, Ohio, to showcase universal design, green building and healthy home construction. The website contains a wealth of information that others can use when remodeling or building their homes.

Looking for home improvement Q&As? Click here!

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Related Search Terms: Linking Partners, pole-wrap, pressure treated wood, construction books, craftsman book company, wolmanized wood

Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

C.R.S., Inc. · Spokane, Washington · USA

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