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Why does the tip of my new tape measure seem loose?

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QuestionThe tip of my new tape measure seems loose. Did I buy a faulty tape measure?

AnswerThe tip on a tape measure always appears to be loose and this is intentional. The tip is actually designed to slide a distance equal to its own thickness so both inside and outside measurements will be accurate.

A lot of measuring tape blade tips on the market float in place with the help of two rivets; however, the backside of the blade doesn't have any extra support. If a blade with this type of tape measure tip, loose tip on tape measure, inside measurements, outside measurements, blade bumper, intentionally loose, accurate measurements, faulty tape measure, designed to slide, float in place, blade retracts, metal shield on tip, EasyPoint ProTape, Learn How to Read and Choose a Tape Measure, copyright by Leon A. Frechette/C.R.S., Inc.design retracts too fast, the tip could snap off when the blade breaks at one of the two rivets.

It's best to have a blade with a metal shield on the backside of the blade held in place by a third rivet (as shown in the image to the right) to help support the blade's end.

Another area of concern is where the tip rests against the case. If this area doesn't have an active built-in bumper tape measure bumper, copyright by Leon A. Frechette/C.R.S., Inc.in the case, the tip could snap off because there's nothing to absorb the tip's shock after the blade retracts.

The active built-in black bumper shown in the photo to the right is located just under the blade at the front bottom of the case. The black arrow points directly at the built-in bumper.

Purchase this article to learn how to read and choose a tape measure!

Knowing why a tape measure has a loose blade tip is just one small part of using a tape measure effectively.

To really learn the ins and outs of reading a tape measure and to gain insights into choosing the best one for you, consider purchasing my award-winning article, "Learn How to Read and Choose a Tape Measure." This article received the 2008 Vaughan/National Association of Home and Workshop Writers (NAHWW) Golden Hammer Writing Award in the Internet Category. 

Available in both .pdf and hard copy, this 8-page article features 21 color photographs and provides outstanding information about using a tape measure to its full potential and purchasing a quality tape measure.

Click here to read customers' feedback. To purchase "Learn How to Read and Choose a Tape Measure," click here!

Copyright © 2008 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. All rights reserved.
Question answered by Leon A. Frechette.

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