At what point do we want to consider replacing bathroom fixtures?
Our bathroom fixtures are still serviceable but beginning to show their age. At what point do we want to consider replacing them?
The hardest working room in any home is the bathroom. Even with the best of care, fixtures begin to look tired and dated. My wife and I recently remodeled our bathroom and replaced all the fixtures. We especially like our new Jacuzzi tub, the special features on the showerhead, and the stylish new look that we selected, a look that does not reflect the taste of the home's previous owner. You'll also enjoy the new look and the new features that new fixtures will impart to your bathroom.
As you evaluate your bathroom and its fixtures, you might want to replace your fixtures if the tub, toilet, and wash basin are out of style; fixtures are worn out, water stained, or chipped; porcelain is missing or there are rust marks; you need to install barrier-free fixtures; and/or you want to change the color of your fixtures.
As you evaluate your basic bathroom fixtures, take a look at the faucets in the shower area as well as in the wash basin. If they are out of style, leaking, hard to use, or just plain worn out, consider replacing them. There are many stylish choices on the market and you might also want to consider water-saving faucets.
If you have a wooden or metal window in the shower area, consider either installing a metal window or removing the window completely.
Evaluate your bathroom cabinet; if you don't have a cabinet, consider adding one. If the cabinet you have is too big or too small, the wrong color, or the wrong style, now is the time to consider replacement. Perhaps the cabinet is OK but it could use a new countertop. Don't forget to look at the mirror and medicine cabinet—they may need replacement too.
Check the condition of your floor covering. Is it damaged? What kind of floor covering do you have now—tile, carpet, or vinyl? What would you like to have? If your floor covering is worn, damaged, or out of style, now is the time to consider a change.
One last thing you will want to consider is how new fixtures will look alongside the old if you should choose to only replace one or two fixtures and not all of them.

If you are planning to remodel your own bathroom, you'll find Remodeling A Bathroom to be great asset to the overall project. To order, click here or click on purchase button to the left! |
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2008 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. All rights reserved. Question answered by Leon A. Frechette.
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