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Kohler's high-efficiency toilets

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We are pleased to present this information on Kohler's high-efficiency toilets, as shown and described by the manufacturer. Because we have not tested this product, we are unable to endorse it or provide you with any additional information.

Kohler Co. has introduced two new high-efficiency toilets:

The San Raphael is Kohler's first one-piece 1 gallon-per-flush (gpf) toilet with Pressure Lite™ technology. Compressed air within the reservoir propels water to the rim and siphon jet for added flushing power.

This toilet could save a household of four between 7,000 and 10,000 Kohler high-efficiency toiletsgallons of water annually, versus a standard 1.6 gpf.

The Persuade toilet features Kohler's Twin Touch flushing technology, which allows users to select one of two water levels with each flush, either 1.6 gallons or .8 gallon, half that amount.

If the latter flush option is used routinely to remove light or liquid waste, a household of four could save up to 6,000 gallons of water annually over standard 1.6-gallon models.

Both toilets will be WaterSense labeled, a program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which ensures consumers receive a product that reduces water usage and meets strict performance guidelines.

For more information about this and other fine bathroom fixtures, we invite you to visit www.kohler.com. (12/14/07)

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Kohler San Raphael K-3467-0 Bathroom Round Front Toilet White

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Related Search Terms: Product Previews, Kohler toilets, Kohler San Raphael, Kohler K-3467-0 toilet, Kohler Persuade toilet

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