Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

Glossary of faux finishing terms

Base Coat: Paint applied after the primer/sealer coat. For best results, apply a low-sheen paint; flat paint will reduce the open time of your glaze.

Glaze: A special non-paint coating applied over the base coat. The decorative finish technique is applied during the open time of the glaze.

Loading: Application of glaze to a decorative roller.

Low-Sheen Coating: Paint that is normally referred to as "eggshell" or "semigloss."

Negative Application: Removal of wet glaze from the surface in order to obtain a decorative design.

Open Time: The length of time a coating remains wet. The decorative design technique is applied to the glaze during its open time.

Positive Application: Application of glaze to the surface with a decorative roller.

Primer-Sealer Coat: Coating applied to the surface in preparation for the base coat.

Reducer: An additive that lengthens the open time of glaze.

Softening/Blending: A technique used with a decorative roller or profile sponge with handle to soften or blend a decorative effect.

Taping-Off: Application of masking tape to a surface edge to protect it from accidental application of coating.

Unloading: Use of a dry rag or paper towels to remove glaze from a decorative roller.

Wet Edge: Connecting multiple work areas while the coating is still wet.

We believe this glossary of faux finishing terms will be helpful as you plan and create your own unique decorative finishes. As always, we recommend that you carefully read and follow all the instructions provided by the manufacturer(s) of the products you select.

Copyright © 2006 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. & Worktools International, Inc. All rights reserved. This information,
in whole or in part, appeared in Unlimited Creations' video Unlimited Possibilities by Whizz Roller System.

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