Spud Spikes for baking, grilling, and barbequing.

Post-planting care

by The Dream Lawn (Mantis)

After you have seeded your new lawn, don't allow people or pets to walk on it for at least a month. Fence it off and/or put up prominent signs.

Improper watering is the most frequent cause of failure with newly seeded lawns. The top soil layer must be kept moist at all times for adequate germination. Immediately after sowing, water the site deeply; use a fine mist or a very gentle sprinkler so you do not dislodge the seeds. Early morning watering may keep the new grass and soil damp for the remainder of the day. If the weather is particularly dry, you may have to water lightly two or three times a day. Once the grass is up and growing, reduce watering to several times a week if there is no rain.

Do not cut your new grass until it shows a fairly uniform height of 3". Reduce its height by only a third (set your mower blade to cut 2" high).

Be sure the grass is dry when you mow. Remove matted clippings and fallen leaves so they don't smother the new grass.

Fertilize three to four weeks after seeds have germinated with a complete lawn fertilizer, and water lightly after application. This encourages a dense, fast-growing, weed-free turf.

That's it! Sit back and watch the grass grow and then give your new lawn the care it deserves. With proper maintenance, your home will be surrounded by a sea of lush green grass, a lawn you can enjoy for many years to come.

Copyright © 2008 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission
from The Dream Lawn, © 1996 Mantis, 1028 Street Road, Southampton, PA 18966.

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