Lawn diseases
by The Dream Lawn (Mantis)
You won't be surprised to read that the most important disease control is maintenance of a healthy turf. If your grass plants are stressed by inadequate moisture and feeding, proliferation of weeds and thatch, soil compaction, poor drainage, or general neglect, symptoms of disease will inevitably appear and will be very difficult to eliminate.
Snow mold appears in late winter when the snow cover melts; grass color has a gray or pink overtone. Leaf spot spreads in the cool, moist conditions of spring and fall, leading to discoloration and rotting of the grass. Dollar spot occurs when summer brings hot days and cool nights. All of these diseases are caused by fungi, as are powdery mildew, rust, strip smut, fusarium blight, and fairy ring. If symptoms are extensive, find a County Extension Agent or lawn professional to identify the cause and recommend a fungicide or other solution. Be aware that some fungus diseases can only be controlled by preventive measures.
Copyright © 2008 LAF/C.R.S., Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from
The Dream Lawn, © 1996 Mantis, 1028 Street Road, Southampton, PA 18966.
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