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Prepare for a yard sale

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by Kimberly A. Frechette

Preplanning for a yard sale is the key to a successful sale. I recommend that you begin 4 to 6 months prior to your planned sale date. Also start saving boxes and newspapers to pack smaller and breakable items.

Purchase and use preprinted price stickers. They are inexpensive and very useful and will save valuable time that can be better used elsewhere. The package will also contain some blank stickers for those items that fall outside the preprinted prices.

Purchase a notebook and use it to list prices for larger items you plan to sell. For items that are new in original packaging, or fairly new, use the notebook to track their current street prices. You'll have to get on the phone, go online, or visit a store to get those prices. Generally speaking, price a new item 50 percent lower than the current street price.

Hunt for an item's original box and dig out owner's manuals for appliances and tools. Boxes and manuals will help you get top dollar for the item.

In general, you want to sell clean unbroken merchandise that contains all the parts and is in working order.

Click to Purchase This brief article presents only one aspect of holding a successful yard sale. Gain insights into what makes a successful yard sale by purchasing my article "Hold a Successful Yard Sale." This downloadable .pdf article includes helpful hints and full-color pictures to help you have a profitable sale. I encourage you to purchase "Hold a Successful Yard Sale" today!

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