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by Kimberly A. Frechette

Once you decide to hold a yard sale, it's time to find stuff to sell. You've got lots of good stuff, things you no longer use, that are just what someone else needs. Look through your home with an open mind and keep your eyes on the prize: a clutter-free home!

I suggest that you tackle one room at a time. Find everything in that room that you want to sell and then clean, price, and box the items. Mark the top of each box "Garage Sale" and move the boxes to a storage area. Work through your home room by room.

After you finish the rooms you live in, move on to your garage. Tools tend to be good sellers, and so are power tools. Check out everything to make sure it works, and hunt down those operating instructions.

If your basement or attic has become a catchall, take it in small doses. Work through one shelving unit or closet or corner at a time. Again, sort with an open mind—just because you haven't used something in years doesn't mean someone else can't use it! Be sure to vacuum and dust your cleaned-out areas and enjoy your progress!

Click to Purchase This brief article presents only one aspect of holding a successful yard sale. Gain insights into what makes a successful yard sale by purchasing my article "Hold a Successful Yard Sale." This downloadable .pdf article includes helpful hints and full-color pictures to help you have a profitable sale. I encourage you to purchase "Hold a Successful Yard Sale" today!

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