Hold a successful yard sale
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by Kimberly A. Frechette
How successful was your last yard sale? Did you end up giving most of it away instead of selling it for a good price?
Did you know that it takes time and energy to hold a successful yard sale over one or two days? And timing is essential since the selling period is such a small window.
Would you like to do better on your next yard sale?
It can be accomplished by learning the proven and very important 16 steps to a profitable yard sale by reading this informative 3-page article titled Hold a Successful Yard Sale. This article is direct and to the point as it guides you through the steps.
I encourage you to not conduct another yard or garage sale until you read this easy-to-understand article. Its clear and concise information and fine points will help you manage your time and hold a successful—profitable—yard sale.
Hold a Successful Yard Sale covers such topics as:
- When to start?
- Price Stickers
- Original Boxes and Manuals
- Small Items
- Items to sell?
- Delivery
- Advertising
- Merchandising
I've only shared a few of the proven steps to a successful yard sale here. This downloadable .pdf article includes color pictures and is available for just $2.99. If you want to be successful in your next yard sale, then you need to purchase this article as it is definitely worth the investment. What are you waiting for? Order Hold a Successful Yard Sale today!
This brief article presents only one aspect of holding a successful yard sale. Gain insights into what makes a successful yard sale by purchasing my article "Hold a Successful Yard Sale." This downloadable .pdf article includes helpful hints and full-color pictures to help you have a profitable sale. I encourage you to purchase "Hold a Successful Yard Sale" today! |
Copyright © 2003 KAF/C.R.S.,
Inc. and CL/L.P.S. Photo-Graphics. All rights reserved.
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